Saturday, February 28, 2009

Beaux Bear

I have a yorkie and he is just like a kid. One morning a couple of days ago, while I was trying to get dressed for work in my bedroom, he barked from the living room. Beaux barks when he senses something outside, but he knows that early in the morning, the house is asleep and can't bark. I said, "Shhh, Beaux, you will wake everyone up!" I continued to get ready for work. I turned around to leave and there is Beaux standing there waiting for me to look at him. His butt faced me and he turned back to look at me, so I walked over and started petting him. I noticed that his back foot was lifted slightly off the floor, so I picked his foot up and rubbed my thumb over the padding. I didn't see blood or anything unusual, yet he was sensitive to my touch. I let go of his foot and he kept it lifted in the air. He looked back at me as if to say, "Really? That's all you're going to do?" Then he slowly rested his foot back down. I tested him and told him come with me to the kitchen. He followed me with hopping movements keeping his foot from the floor. Well, that told me that he did something to his foot in the short period of time that I got up and let him down from my bed. I woke my husband and told him to look at it and take care of him, I was already late for work. By the time I got home that day, he was fine. I just couldn't get over how he came to me that morning. His foot hurt and he wanted me to help him, like a child would go to their mother with a booboo.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Under the Weather

I woke up this morning sick. My head was pounding, my stomach nauseous, and my nose was stuffy. I felt fine when I went to bed the night before. It is strange how this just happens over night. I got up and took some ibruprofin and went back to bed. Could this somehow be related to the fact that half our department at work quit their jobs on Friday? Because of the nature of their positions and customer contact, they were asked to vacate the premises immediately. It is a part of protocol in the banking industry. It doesn't help much. They can still reach these customers. This really shouldn't affect me, but it did. I was a part of the old department before the banks merged and I was the only one that didn't remain with this department. So, I felt left behind to stay with the others and continue working with them, while the old group starts a new commercial loan department with another bank. This was my second merger with this company, and I hope I don't have to go through another one. Well, the ibruprofin kicked in and I have started to feel a little better. But Monday is going to be here quick, and I am not looking forward to going back to work.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Well, we aren't going to the playoffs. We lost to Byrd last night by 4 points and now I have a player who is upset. She cried and cried. She's a junior and has been experiencing some dissent among the senior players. I told her that next year was her year. We have plans to start conditioning and working out (when do I have the time for that!) and there will be basketball camps this summer. She is motivated to become even better, so she can become that senior that guides the younger players, so their team will play better as a team. This year has not been very fun for her because of these seniors, and I can't wait until next year. Go Vikes!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Stars Lined Up!

My daughter Kelsey plays varsity basketball for her high school, and the last 4 games or so, the Coach hasn't put her in the game to play. We don't know why, we think she isn't showing her full potential and that is how he chooses to let the player know. Then, Friday night at a home game, her Dad decides to come in from out of town with some of his family members to see her play. Also, her Coach from middle school days decides to come and watch Kelsey and a few other girls that were on the old team. I sat there on the bleachers thinking, "I am just going to cry, if he keeps her on the bench tonight of all nights." The game got started and he began to send in girls to relieve the starter players, but not Kelsey. It was looking like the same as the other games, until 2 minutes left in the 2nd quarter, he finally puts her in. The other mothers of the team started shouting "Go Kelsey!" Immediately, she recovered the ball and put it up for a nice lay-up. Yeah! was I proud! Her Dad got to see her play! She continued to play hard for the rest of the game, and they beat Captain Shreve 51-31. Did the stars ever line up for us!