Saturday, April 4, 2009

The New Kid in Town

Remember the new kitty that came to live with us? Well, she is still a baby and we had her in her mama's room to settle down to. But, she has wanted to come out and socialize with the other cat and dog that lives here. We can hear her banging up against the door, to let us know she wants out. She can't meow loud enough.....its like a little bitty "mew' and you can't really hear it....but she wants out. Once we open the door and let her out....she scampers off in search of the new territory of the house that we don't let her in. Then, we lose site of her...and have to search every piece of furniture to see if she is hiding. She is smart, and has figured out that if we approach her with hand reaching her...she flies off to get away....she knows that someone is trying to pick her up. But we always can find her, so we can hold her to close to our face to let her know that we love her. Her Mama has already found out that in the middle of the night, Bella will get in her face to love on she is telling her mom that she really loves being in her new home....

1 comment:

  1. When my cats get in my face, they want me to let them out!

    K. Smith
    Eng. 226
