Saturday, April 4, 2009

The New Kid in Town

Remember the new kitty that came to live with us? Well, she is still a baby and we had her in her mama's room to settle down to. But, she has wanted to come out and socialize with the other cat and dog that lives here. We can hear her banging up against the door, to let us know she wants out. She can't meow loud enough.....its like a little bitty "mew' and you can't really hear it....but she wants out. Once we open the door and let her out....she scampers off in search of the new territory of the house that we don't let her in. Then, we lose site of her...and have to search every piece of furniture to see if she is hiding. She is smart, and has figured out that if we approach her with hand reaching her...she flies off to get away....she knows that someone is trying to pick her up. But we always can find her, so we can hold her to close to our face to let her know that we love her. Her Mama has already found out that in the middle of the night, Bella will get in her face to love on she is telling her mom that she really loves being in her new home....

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Apartment Hunting

I have been all over town looking at apartments with my 20 year old. Not Shreveport, but Bossier, after all, she can't be very far from her mother. I tried to get her to go to ULM, but her friends ditched her, and she says she can't go by herself. Its perfectly fine if she just stays here, but will she be able to experience college living if she is still at home? I really want her get a place of her own, it will give her some independance. She has bought a new bedroom suit and bed covering in anticipation of this new apartment. Getting an apartment these days is nothing like it was 25 years ago. She has been told already by one apartment complex that they won't rent to "roomates" for fear of one leaving the other with the entire rent; and young adults can't exactly afford to rent on their own. I don't remember that ever being an issue when I rented one. But then, with everything else that changes, so does the times..we are products of the times. I might have to help her get an apartment, and I was able to get one back in the early 80's with a friend with no problems, two hours away from my family, and they didn't have to do anything to help me. I wonder what its going to be like when its her children's turn to fly the will be impossible for them to get on their own.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Resignation

Well, it is official, my last day at the bank is March 31. I formally turned in my letter of resignation on Wednesday, March 18, 2009. It happened so quickly. I got a call from a former associate of the bank and he was looking for me. Within 5 days, I had interviewed and met with his president, and told my bank that I was leaving. I have waited two long years for something like this to happen. I will be going from a highly stressful environment to a small, laid back environment. I will help this bank officer get his commercial loan portfolio up and going. He has a new branch with new furniture, and there is an office just waiting for me. I still can't believe it. My first day with my new job will be April 1.

Friday, March 13, 2009


I hope this guy gets life. I still don't understand how he kept juggling the investments for so long without getting caught before now. Its mind boggeling how many people he was able to fool. It looks like a letter :http// his attorneys received indicates that Madoff is facing than the big CEO's of Enron and MCI, who fudged their financial statements and had shell entities. Its time to put a stop to people like them.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Best Read in a Long Time

I love to read books. My favorite book of all time is The Other Side of Midnight, by Sidney Sheldon. I also went through a phase where I was into Anne Rice, The Witching Hour. Since I have been taking classes along with working full time the last few years, I haven't allowed myself the luxury of reading a good book. I am afraid it will take me away from studying and there is only so much time in a day. Just recently my daughter brought me a book that she just finished and told me "I think you would like this, Mom." Then my oldest daughter said that she read it in high school as well. She said, "Don't you remember me telling you about it?" I didn't remember. Seeing that it was so popular with my daughters, I couldn't help but open the book to the first page, then I was hooked. I read it in two days. The whole time my daughter checks me and asks where I am in the book. I just finished it tonight and I have to rate it right up there with the other classics I hold dearly. I always had the idea that I could write a book and keep some notebooks in my car, on my desk, and on my computer. But after I read this book, I can't imagine being able to write a book like this. I am hoping to hear that others are familiar with this book. The book is My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. I hope you go check it out.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Beaux Bear

I have a yorkie and he is just like a kid. One morning a couple of days ago, while I was trying to get dressed for work in my bedroom, he barked from the living room. Beaux barks when he senses something outside, but he knows that early in the morning, the house is asleep and can't bark. I said, "Shhh, Beaux, you will wake everyone up!" I continued to get ready for work. I turned around to leave and there is Beaux standing there waiting for me to look at him. His butt faced me and he turned back to look at me, so I walked over and started petting him. I noticed that his back foot was lifted slightly off the floor, so I picked his foot up and rubbed my thumb over the padding. I didn't see blood or anything unusual, yet he was sensitive to my touch. I let go of his foot and he kept it lifted in the air. He looked back at me as if to say, "Really? That's all you're going to do?" Then he slowly rested his foot back down. I tested him and told him come with me to the kitchen. He followed me with hopping movements keeping his foot from the floor. Well, that told me that he did something to his foot in the short period of time that I got up and let him down from my bed. I woke my husband and told him to look at it and take care of him, I was already late for work. By the time I got home that day, he was fine. I just couldn't get over how he came to me that morning. His foot hurt and he wanted me to help him, like a child would go to their mother with a booboo.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Under the Weather

I woke up this morning sick. My head was pounding, my stomach nauseous, and my nose was stuffy. I felt fine when I went to bed the night before. It is strange how this just happens over night. I got up and took some ibruprofin and went back to bed. Could this somehow be related to the fact that half our department at work quit their jobs on Friday? Because of the nature of their positions and customer contact, they were asked to vacate the premises immediately. It is a part of protocol in the banking industry. It doesn't help much. They can still reach these customers. This really shouldn't affect me, but it did. I was a part of the old department before the banks merged and I was the only one that didn't remain with this department. So, I felt left behind to stay with the others and continue working with them, while the old group starts a new commercial loan department with another bank. This was my second merger with this company, and I hope I don't have to go through another one. Well, the ibruprofin kicked in and I have started to feel a little better. But Monday is going to be here quick, and I am not looking forward to going back to work.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Well, we aren't going to the playoffs. We lost to Byrd last night by 4 points and now I have a player who is upset. She cried and cried. She's a junior and has been experiencing some dissent among the senior players. I told her that next year was her year. We have plans to start conditioning and working out (when do I have the time for that!) and there will be basketball camps this summer. She is motivated to become even better, so she can become that senior that guides the younger players, so their team will play better as a team. This year has not been very fun for her because of these seniors, and I can't wait until next year. Go Vikes!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Stars Lined Up!

My daughter Kelsey plays varsity basketball for her high school, and the last 4 games or so, the Coach hasn't put her in the game to play. We don't know why, we think she isn't showing her full potential and that is how he chooses to let the player know. Then, Friday night at a home game, her Dad decides to come in from out of town with some of his family members to see her play. Also, her Coach from middle school days decides to come and watch Kelsey and a few other girls that were on the old team. I sat there on the bleachers thinking, "I am just going to cry, if he keeps her on the bench tonight of all nights." The game got started and he began to send in girls to relieve the starter players, but not Kelsey. It was looking like the same as the other games, until 2 minutes left in the 2nd quarter, he finally puts her in. The other mothers of the team started shouting "Go Kelsey!" Immediately, she recovered the ball and put it up for a nice lay-up. Yeah! was I proud! Her Dad got to see her play! She continued to play hard for the rest of the game, and they beat Captain Shreve 51-31. Did the stars ever line up for us!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Turn

I was listening to "Kidd Kraddock in the morning" on my way to work the other day about community service. Kidd was speaking to his morning crew about doing something for their community that they haven't ever done before. They were discussing the ways they each could contribute and how infectious it became if they advertised it on their Myspace, etc. Kidd called it "My Turn" and he wanted everyone to put that in the title of their blogs to try to pass it on. This is a great idea. February 10th is the dedicated "My Turn" day and if anyone is interested in learning more about this, they can go to You can't give money to a charity, you actually have to spend time with someone. You can read to the blind for an hour or so, or you can take a pet to nursing home and visit the people living there. This is just examples of what a person can do. There is plenty that can be done, volunteers are desperately needed. So everyone, go blog about "MyTurn"

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I just got this blog set up and now I am testing it. Why is there a need for blogging? People want to share their thoughts and feelings just so the whole world can see. So, they find a place to post what they want to say, in the hopes that someone will respond. I see my teenagers leave posts on their MySpace page for friends or other nosey people to see. Maybe they are just a little vain to want to share their thoughts and pictures. I personally, don't have the need to blog, but it will be interesting to see how this one goes.